
Love Yourself

yvonne lu

Taking care of yourself sounds so simple, right? But think about it.
Isn't "me time" usually the last thing on your priority list - if it even makes it on there at all??
Especially now, with all that is going on in the world. In a perfect world, ALL of us would be sleeping in, pampering ourselves, & relaxing. But with everyone at home all the time - the fam, the roomies, the boyfriends, the husbands & kids - how can you possibly have me time? You are probably busier now than pre-social distancing! 
Isn't it interesting that women are so nurturing, caring, and thoughtful to those that we love, but we forget to treat ourselves with that same kindness?
I just wanted to remind ya'll - Don't forget about YOU! 
Put "DO ME" on the TOP of your to do list today ...even if it's just for a 15 min.
  • Turn off your phone.
  • Put on a mask.
  • Exfoliate.
  • Go outside for a walk.
  • Do that meditation.
  • Go scroll through some online shops.
  • Call your bestie. 

Whatever it is that you need to "Do You"...make it happen. Treat yourself. 'Cause girlie, you are worth it!